67 tools and resources to make your copywriting life easier
All copywriters have a box of go-to tools for speeding up the job: Where can I find a pithy quote? What’s the reading age of my copy? Is this hasty rewrite good enough to count as fresh content? So here’s my list of copywriting resources. It’s an...
What can we learn from writing for Bristol Life?
Copywriting gives you complete freedom to say whatever you think your audience would love to hear. No other tool in your marketing toolbox is as quick, easy, and versatile. But even marketing people can be constrained by what they think the medium demands. My recent...
Does jargon have a place in copywriting?
A guest post by Nigel Graber, a freelance copywriter in Manchester We copywriters always preach about writing in our audience’s language. We’re also hard-wired to bin the jargon. So we assume that words and phrases such as granularity, metrics, negative feedback loop,...