Can’t string two words together? I‘ll show you how
Bespoke copywriting training for your team or networking group

Everyone can write better – free from the dead hand of formality and the blandness of corporate-speak. All you need is a nudge in the right direction: someone to tell you that you don’t have to write like your boss nor trump the empty claims of your competitors.
A day or two of training won’t turn you into a free-spirited copywriter, but it will make you far more critical of what you and your colleagues write. Training sharpens your ability to separate brand truths from marketing bluster. It helps you think about consistency and corporate style. It tells you to be more playful with words and less in awe of the rules you learned at school.
In-house copywriting training
I don’t do fixed training courses; I take each client as it comes. I’ll put sessions together to match your in-house skill levels and what you want from your teams: anything from half a day to several days with gaps between for homework.
Oh yes, homework’s unavoidable with copywriting training: you won’t achieve anything if you don’t get stuck in. You have to face that demon sheet of blank paper.
A freelance copywriter at your next networking event
Fancy a few tips on copywriting when you next get together with your networking group? Who in that business-hungry crowd wouldn’t love to know what makes a more inviting headline and a more persuasive call to action?
No grammar, just practical copywriting tips
For copywriting training that makes you want to rewrite everything you’ve ever produced before, send me an email or call me on 0117 204 7334.
“If you need a trainer in copywriting skills, then Chas is your man. My clients love him. He’s conscientious, professional and keen, and the feedback from his courses is excellent.“
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